20 Feb

This online toolkit has been created by Plymouth College of Art (PCA) for us as students. This is to create an opportunity as well as getting us ready for interviews and other factors that will mean employment by anyone for our careers in the future. Not only do you have the choice of the thumbnails at the start but you also have the choice of the drop bar menu which allows other factors you may need such as how to gain, show and possibly receive an experience that you may need for the future role you look your self.

Going onto the employability tools you have a choice of level 4 through to 6 meaning you learn the basics of things you may need on level 4 this is also a level useful for the 1st years of PCA. Then level 5 is better related to 2nd years of PCA, and lastly level 6 for the final 3rd years of PCA.

Looking into level 4 you have a big variety of choice of support to know what you need or what will help you in the upcoming future. Pressing on the distinctive 'I' symbol will open up a poster/map of what you should do and try in 5 stages. Which is great as this makes the understanding of what you have to do to help yourself the extra bit easier and it also lets you find what to start with rather than getting confused with the vast knowledge of not knowing where to start.

This online toolkit is a great plus to have as a student as not only will this provide a great upper hand at a job interview but also to possibly receive a job rather than the possibility to someone else. Myself when I have a break and spare time to go through the 5-year plan and rebuild a cv for my photography will be a great upper hand to anyone else possibly so this is a must do for myself in the future.


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