02 Mar

2 March 2018 Was when Charlie Boucher replied with the responses to my questions:

Charlie Boucher: https://www.instagram.com/charliewboucher/ 


After sending a couple messages on Instagram to a photographers one replied being happy to work with me and me to ask some questions named Charlie Boucher at 7:07 pm. He later replied to me at 9:42 pm after talking I found out hes form the USA also. It's great having a photographer reply to me. The style that I have noticed on his Instagram that he carries is B&W 35mm shots from the USA. 

After looking through his Instagram page I noticed that he had a you tube link and this link takes you to his video on how he captured his images which just makes the video really interesting and it also shows me the difference of taking a picture in the UK compared to the USA.

I think having this photographer talk to me and let me interview will be very interesting I also discussed with him briefly maybe having a chance to collaborate with him and possibly me so that could become interesting within the near future if it happens.

I also discussed with him a comfortable way to communicate with Charlie and we decided that the best way was to do it over email, so all I did so that he could find my email a lot easier was let him know my email and also what I called the subject of the email which was 'Interview pca'. He kindly also let me know that he's busy at the moment so he'll get it complete over a couple of days and message me back on Instagram when he has completed the questions.

The Interview:

After a couple of days Charlie got back to me with the very questions that I have pre made and he got back relitvly fast to what I thought would be a wait.

This is what he replied to my questions:

Q: What do you specialize in? within photography would you say

R: I’d say black and white street and everyday life . Documentary what’s going on around me.

Q:What is your favourite style of shooting so far?

R: From the hip. I take my camera everywhere and if I see something I like I shoot it. On the street things are so busy often times I’ll frame and snap the photo very quickly 

Q:What is the biggest hurdle that you have had to face so far?

R: Consistency. I started off trying out so many different films and dev chems... and back when I shot digital, I was using many styles of presets. With time and practice though you learn what works well for you own work and narrowing down what materials I use, has helped this very much.

Q:How have you overcome that hurdle or how have you dealt with it?

R: Trial and error. Also, when you fail or make a mistake, not quitting or pushing forward has helped. I’ll try something more than just once to really get a feel for what I’m trying to achieve photographically or on any other project I’m working on.

Q: Do you take all your images or do you have associates/assistant to take that final shot?

R: I take all of my photos myself.

Q:Who’s your biggest inspiration that gave you an idea for a piece of work or in general?

R: Lately it has been Renato Repetto and his amazing angles and use of composition. His work has helped me see from a different aspect of shooting and I have been trying some of the techniques he has shared and I am really enjoying it. So much so it has given me an idea for a small project.

Q:What made you want to start photography?

R: From the start, I wanted to capture photos of my children that would something I could pass onto them. I still shoot many personal family photos and daily life of them and it’s a real treasure that will be able to be passed along.

Q:If your income is through photography how do make that income and if not where do you find the time and funding for these projects?

R: I used to shoot portraits for payed work, but have moved on to only shooting personal work and only on film these days. I budget in enough to cover cost for film and paper. Sometimes I may sell a print or two and that money then goes back towards more materials such as paper, film, or chemicals for development.

Q:What motivates you to keep pushing you to create these types of images and content?

R: Honestly I just enjoy it. I love seeing an image from start to finish... the photo, all the way to the print. Seeing life around me. Lately the film community has also been inspiring , sharing goals, and ideas... it’s motivating and makes me want to push forward and challenge myself. The challenging of yourself is also a good motivator.

Q:If you could go back to the day you remember you officially started your work within photography, what advice would you give yourself?

R: Shoot for yourself. Don’t make it about what others think or like. Shoot what you enjoy , but also keep challenging yourself with ideas and don’t be afraid to shoot outside your comfort zone!

Q:Thank you so much for this time that you have you gave me. For this final question, I would like to ask what advice would you have for me as a growing photographer?  

R: You’re very welcome !
Always remember to shoot for yourself , and shoot outside your comfort zone, which will challenge you and also grow your photography!  
My Response:

I thank Charlie for taking some time and effort in expressing and helping me answer my questions his work is very generic to the style he uses and creates. With these questions that I asked you see that he finds his style and work through something, he enjoys making and shooting.

Charlie is an artist and photographer that works on the majority of the time on some sort of film rather than shooting on digital cameras. The style that I get from looking through Charlie's Instagram is more of a documentative style mixed with a street photography in his images, creating and making these type of shots that you can see.

After talking to Charlie you can see and find out that to get to the stage that he is at know was very precise and continues movement of using trial and error to get the knowledge and understanding how film and chemicals work to produce these images.

Charlie is from the USA, so with his images, they have a different feel and vibe compared to if I took them in the UK as we have a different community structure and also to this as people we act differently such as the way we talk, walk and even eat.

Overall I would like to say, thank you to Charlie for spending his time talking to me and being very patient with me as well as answering my questions that I have asked. I would love to stay in contact with him and look over his work as its very interesting.

Charlie's Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/charliewboucher/ 

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